Next Benefits is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Maple – Canada’s leading Telemedicine platform – which will be offered as a premium add-on to all new and existing employee benefit customers. Sick days, time traveling to the doctor’s office and endless hours spent in waiting rooms all increase absenteeism and impact a businesses’ […]
Category: Culture

Next Benefits partners with Link Mental Health to bring online mental health services to small business
While Next Benefits is proud to offer coverage for mental health professionals on all of our benefit plans, it has been brought to our attention that this particular benefit can be difficult to navigate as an employee. Confusion around coverage and long therapist wait times (2-3 months) can lead to sick days, decreased productivity and […]

The Start Up Guide to Building a Great Company Culture
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” Peter Drucker What is Culture? Many of us have held entry level positions in the past. Can you recall your level of engagement with work at the time? Do you recall commiserating with other employees at lunch break? Complaining about management? Parodying the hollow corporate initiatives that were foisted upon […]